HD (High Definition)

A broad term applied to any number of digital media formats and/or technologies that provide improved detail and resolution. It is used primarily with regard to video images, but is also sometimes used to refer to still images, and sometimes audio.

Audio/visual content can be HD. That content must be captured with HD-capable technology, and requires HD-capable technology to view in full detail.

Most commonly, HD refers to 720p and 1080p (or 1080i) video content.

It is also used to refer to phone displays with pixel dimensions that match 720p or 1080p video content. 720 x 1280 pixels is the minimum resolution considered "HD", while 1080 x 1920 pixels is often called "full HD". In this context, HD is also used as a baseline for multiples, including Quad-HD.

In audio, HD Voice provides greater audio clarity than standard phone voice quality.

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